Caroline Spray
Q I have a camellia in a pot which should be in flower by now. It looks healthy but has only one bud. What could be wrong?
A Camellias like light shade and must be planted in an ericaceous compost if in a pot and fed with an acid plant food. They are happy in a container but I suspect the lack of flowers may be due to lack of water or feed, so make sure the soil doesn't dry out. Use water-retaining granules to keep moisture in.
Q You advised me to use lawn sand on my grass but it has turned black.
What do I do now?
A Keep calm. The lawn sand has killed the moss as it is supposed to and this is what has turned black, not the grass. If the lawn is mostly moss it will look awful so rake the dead moss out then feed the grass to rejuvenate it.
Q I bought two Rosa de Jericho - how and where should I plant them and care for them?
A The Rose of Jericho or dinosaur plant as it is sometimes known is an amazing variety which supposedly pre-dates the jurassic age. You place it in water and it quickly hydrates itself and becomes green. When it dries out it hibernates until wet again and the process can be repeated hundreds of times.
Q I have a long bed full of winter-flowering heathers and conifers. Should I prune the heathers?
A With heathers that flower in the winter and early spring, all you need is a light prune to remove the dead flower heads.
Q I only have a patio as my garden and would love to grow strawberries. Can they go in a pot?
A Strawberries will grow very well in a container or a hanging basket. Buy strawberry barrels with holes in the sides so you can plant in the sides and the top. This way the fruit will hang down. Remember to water, feed and protect them from the birds with a net.
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