Soggy, boggy ground is usually written off as a lost area or liability. But what if that damp side yard, wet back forty, or perpetually muddy roadside ditch were to come alive with handsome leaves and blooming color? It’s certainly possible. A host of plants actually like wet feet; a little research can point you to the ones that are a match for your problem-spot’s conditions. You may have to wade in prior to planting and get the spot ready. Bring your rubber boots and create a hospitable open area with gusto and determination! Yank out most or all the existing vegetation so it doesn’t compete with the desirable incoming perennials. If warranted and practical, dig a drainage trench to route excess water away from the spot. Perhaps dig in some organic matter to improve soil fertility and drainage, if only a little.
After you’ve planted the area with appropriate moisture-loving perennials, not much more should be required. The plants’ basic need — water — is already present. If the plants are happy, they’ll increase over time, reducing the need for weeding or indeed, any intervention on your part. If they grow too lushly, why, you can rip out and discard or give away the extra plants. Cardinal flower, daylilies, forget-me-not, Japanese primrose, marsh marigold, and turtlehead are good plants for wet soil. Don’t apologize for the wet soil:
Go ahead, call it a bog garden! And if you’re ambitious, make the boggy area the entry to a new water garden
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