Step 1: Cut a healthy leaf from the parent plant.
Step 2: If you must transport it, wrap leaf in moist towel.
Step 3: Place it in moist rooting medium. There are different ways to do this. The leaf may be set upright so the blade is in contact with the rooting medium. You also can cut several nicks along the length of the veins, and press the leaf flat, vein-side down in the rooting medium. Or cut the leaf lengthwise and insert into rooting medium with the cut-side down to expose the veins.
Step 4: Cover with clear plastic.
Step 5: Water it and keep away from direct sunlight.
Step 6: Pot new plants after a few leaves appear.
If you master the art of taking stem cuttings, you may find yourself suddenly surrounded by new plants. Some plants root more easily than others. If a cutting doesn't root well in the spring, try again later in the season. Since plants mature at different rates, in different climes, and even in different years, there always will be some variability. Keep records to refine the practice for your area.
This method of creating free plants is well-suited to houseplants. Roots form along the veins and usually several new plantlets emerge from each leaf cutting.
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