® Netting is an important barrier to birds and some small animals. It is an absolute necessity with expensive berry crops, such as blueberries and strawberries. To keep greedy beaks away from berries, support netting on a framework several inches from the plants. Peeled poles or scrap lumber make inexpensive, rusticlooking frames. Handled carefully, netting will last indefinitely.
® Plastic berry baskets, panty hose, cheesecloth, salvaged window screening, and other no-cost finds also work to create handy bird deterrents. Fasten any of these to a wire tomato cage for an individual plant protector.
® Wire or fishing line, stretched between row markers over newly planted seeds, makes an inexpensive bird repellent. As birds approach for a landing they are snagged by theunseen lines and quickly retreat to safer ground.
® Scarecrows are cute but ineffective. Don't spend a cent on one.
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